Search Results for: Covid-19 Vaccines

FDA Violated Own Safety and Efficacy Standards in Approving Covid-19 Vaccines For Children

Genuine Facts About Omicron, Delta, Naturally Acquired Immunity, and Vaccines

The Most Objective Evidence Shows No Indication That Covid Vaccines Save More Lives Than They Take

Is the Official Covid-19 Death Toll Accurate?

Main Study Used by FDA to Approve Covid-19 Vaccine Found No Significant Effect on the Risk of Death

Covid-19 Is Not a “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated”

U.S. Life Expectancy Fell With Covid Vax Rollout, NY Times Blames a Lack of Vaccination and White People

The Hard Facts on Covid-19 Science Denial

How to Separate Fact From Fiction

PolitiFact Covers Up Biden’s Role in the Murder of Laken Riley

In Fact

A so-called fact checker named PolitiFact claims that mRNA Covid vaccines are “helping save millions of lives,” and Facebook is using their “fact check” to suppress a study that found…

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In Fact

Dr. Vin Gupta of NBC News claims that a “big study” published by the journal Nature proves “Covid-19 vaccines significantly DECREASED the risk of heart attack and strokes compared to…

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In Fact

IN FACT, objective gold standard studies show no indication that mRNA Covid vaccines save more lives than they take. The danger of ramping up the quantity of C-19 shots to…

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In Fact

Media celebrity Covid doctor Ashish Jha of Brown University claims that Joe Biden “ended the worst pandemic in a century by rapidly rolling out millions of vaccines to Americans.”…

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In Fact

…has found that “excess mortality has remained high in the Western World for three consecutive years, despite the implementation of containment measures and Covid-19 vaccines,” and “this raises serious concerns.”…

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In Fact

The prestigious scientific journal Nature has just published articles about a new Covid-19 vaccine that specify four major flaws of the current vaccines….

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In Fact

…for Democrats and liberal positions: 1) Covid-19 death rate 2) Market value of Mar-a-Lago 3) Biden’s role in the murder of Laken Riley 4) Income taxes paid by illegal immigrants…

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In Fact

…conclusions were most often unsupported by the data.” Covid deaths enduringly plunged only after nearly everyone caught C-19 and naturally acquired immunity flourished — not when masks or vaccines were…

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In Fact

…bragging that he protected America by not getting into any wars, but under his mishandling of the pandemic, more Americans died from covid” than in most of nation’s wars combined….

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