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Work Hours

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U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I–VT) Bernie Sanders claims that his new bill to mandate “a 32-hour workweek with no loss of pay is not a radical idea.”

IN FACT, Sanders’ call for a 32-hour workweek adds to his list of agenda items that parrot the Constitution of the Soviet Union, a nation wracked by poverty. U.S. residents ages 15+ already spend an average of 36% more time on leisure & sports than on work & education.

The Soviet Constitution declared a “right” to:

– “the reduction of the working day to seven hours”
– “annual vacations with full pay”
– “medical” care
– “maintenance in old age”
– “education”

Sanders declares that the following are or should be “rights”:

– “paid family and medical leave, paid sick leave and paid vacation”
– “healthcare
– “a secure retirement
– “a good, public education for all — from childcare and pre-kindergarten through college”
– “paid maternity leave

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