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“Tear-Gassing Peaceful Protestors”

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The Biden–Harris campaign claims that Donald Trump tear-gassed “peaceful protestors” while “holding up a Bible for a photo op.”

IN FACT, the Inspector General of the Department of the Interior found that the DC Police tear-gassed these BLM protestors without any “control or direction” from the federal government. The IG also found that the protestors weren’t peaceful and had injured at least 49 Park Police officers while vandalizing both federal and private property.

Nevertheless, numerous Democrats and media outlets blamed Trump for tear-gassing “peaceful protestors.” Among them was DC Mayor Muriel Bowser, who had authority over the police who deployed the tear gas. She stated at the DNC Convention that Trump “sent troops in camouflage into our streets” and “tear gas into the air” while people “peacefully protested the death of George Floyd.” In the same breath, she bragged about renaming the area of this riot to “Black Lives Matter Plaza.”

The Biden–Harris campaign continues to accuse Trump of these actions committed by Democrats. This is called “projection,” and it is one of the most effective and devious methods of mass deception.

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