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Fauci’s Record

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MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell claims that “no one in our lifetimes has saved more lives” than Anthony Fauci.

IN FACT, Fauci may have killed more people than anyone in our lifetimes:

First, Fauci led the federal agency that funded gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and then lied about this to Congress.

Second, Fauci greatly overstated the Covid-19 death rate, prompting mass hysteria and lockdowns that have and will shorten the lives of millions of people.

Third, Fauci spread the hoax that C-19 was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” when more than half of all Covid deaths were among the fully vaccinated.

In stark contrast, Just Facts was right about all of this and more long before Fauci, the bulk of academia, and the media sheepishly came to grips with some of these realities.

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