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Violent Rhetoric

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ABC’s George Stephanopoulos and Martha Raddatz claim that Trump has “contributed” to “violent rhetoric” because he said “it’s going to be a bloodbath” if “I don’t get elected.”

IN FACT, ABC is fueling hatred of Trump by twisting his words. Trump didn’t use the term “bloodbath” as “violent rhetoric” but to describe the effects of Biden’s policies, especially on the auto industry. The media and Democrats have perpetrated at least 11 such hoaxes:

  1. The “bloodbath” hoax, which is disproven by just 39 seconds of video.
  2. The “migrants are animals” hoax.
  3. The “very fine people” hoax.
  4. The “inciting insurrection” hoax.
  5. The “dominate peaceful protesters” hoax.
  6. The “dictator on day one” hoax.
  7. The “hack Hillary’s emails” hoax.
  8. The “indicting political opponents” hoax.
  9. The “don’t fix the border” hoax.
  10. The “quid pro quo” hoax.
  11. The “Unified Reich” hoax.
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