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Trump & the National Guard

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President Biden just told the NAACP that Donald Trump “called for the National Guard to go after you” as “you peacefully protested George Floyd’s murder.”

IN FACT, Trump stated he is an “ally of all peaceful protesters” and that the National Guard should protect “innocent people” from “professional anarchists, violent mobs, arsonists, looters.” Biden’s false accusation is just one of 10+ Democrat/media slanders against Trump that could incite violence against him:

  1. The “dominate peaceful protesters” hoax.
  2. The “bloodbath” hoax.
  3. The “migrants are animals” hoax.
  4. The “very fine people” hoax.
  5. The “inciting insurrection” hoax.
  6. The “dominate peaceful protesters” hoax.
  7. The “dictator on day one” hoax.
  8. The “hack Hillary’s emails” hoax.
  9. The “indicting political opponents” hoax.
  10. The “don’t fix the border” hoax.
  11. The “quid pro quo” hoax.
  12. The “Unified Reich” hoax.
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