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High Food Prices

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VP Kamala Harris is blaming high food prices on “price-gouging” by “grocery chains.”

IN FACT, the average grocery store profit margin is only 1.6%, and the wholesale food prices paid by supermarkets have risen by more than the retail food prices paid by consumers since Harris took office.

Furthermore, a recent study by 3 Ph.D. economists at the San Francisco Fed found that “price markups for goods and services” — aka, price gouging — have “not been a main driver” of recent inflation.

Instead, the study found that the root causes are “large” federal “fiscal transfers” like “increased unemployment benefits” and Federal Reserve policies like lowering “the federal funds rate target to essentially zero.”

Simply put, high grocery prices and other inflation have been caused by big government spending and easy money policies, which Democrats enacted and supported.

Trump and many Republicans also played a role in the spending, but Democrats voted for far more of it, and the lockdowns that led to the spending were pushed with misinformation from the left and were stricter and longer in Democrat states.

After repeatedly denying the threat, implications, and reality of inflation, Democrats have falsely blamed corporations on a multitude of occasions for the inflation that Democrat policies have clearly wrought. This is called projection, and it is a common tactic of demagogues.

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