Question of the Day

The Taliban & Women

Since the Taliban overthrew the elected government of Afghanistan, have women's rights improved, deteriorated, or stayed about the same?

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Based on interviews with Afghan citizens, aid workers, and journalists, Amnesty International reported in May 2023 that since the Taliban took control of Afghanistan in 2021, "the human rights situation of women and girls in Afghanistan deteriorated severely, despite the Taliban's initial promise to respect women's and girls' rights. The Taliban have been increasingly introducing new restrictions with the apparent aim of completely erasing women's and girls' presence from public arenas. Taliban policies have been further oppressing women and girls in almost all aspects of their lives." Scientific surveys conducted from 2005 through 2014 found that 82-92% of the people of Afghanistan preferred the nation's elected government over the Taliban that previously ruled the nation. However, President Biden withdrew all U.S. military protections in 2021, allowing for an deadly insurrection that ousted the elected government.

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