Question of the Day

Ending Fossil Fuels

Which of the following people stated, "I guarantee you we're going to end fossil fuels"?

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During a campaign event in New Castle, NH on 9/6/19, Joe Biden walked over to a young lady who had asked him a question, grabbed her hand, leaned into her, and stated, "Kiddo, I want you to just take a look, okay? You don't have to agree, but I want you to look in my eyes. I guarantee you, I guarantee you we're going to end fossil fuels." On his first day in office on 1/20/21, Biden issued an executive order cancelling the Keystone pipeline, banning "certain offshore areas in Arctic waters and the Bering Sea from oil and gas drilling," placing "a "temporary moratorium on all activities of the Federal Government relating to the implementation of the Coastal Plain Oil and Gas Leasing Program," and enacting a host of other measures that limit fossil fuel production. A few days ago on 6/14/22, Biden sent a letter to the CEOs of the nation's largest oil companies blaming them for high gas prices and telling them "to increase the supply of gasoline."

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