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Epstein’s Prison Guards

How many times did federal prison guards check on Jeffrey Epstein on the night of his death?

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Video footage shows that federal guards didn't check on Jeffrey Epstein for nearly eight hours on the night he died - despite the fact that they were required to check on all inmates in his unit "at least twice per hour" and were only 15 feet from Epstein's cell. The guards then falsified records to show that they had checked on Epstein that night, a violation of federal law punishable by up to five years in prison. Nonetheless, federal prosecutors "dismissed all charges pending against" the guards and also "declined" to prosecute others who "falsely certified inmate countslips and round sheets on the day before and the night of Epstein's death." More than a dozen facts prove that federal officials repeatedly mishandled evidence that could incriminate powerful people in Epstein's sex crimes and placed his life in danger just before his death.

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