Question of the Day

Capitol Hill Riot

How many of the J6 rioters have been convicted of insurrection, murder, attempted murder, arson, or firing a gun?

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Although 13 of the J6 rioters have been convicted of seditious conspiracy, and more than 100 have been charged with assaulting officers, none have been charged with (much less convicted of) insurrection, murder, attempted murder, arson, or firing a gun. However, the Biden administration has prosecuted hundreds of non-violent J6 protestors for being in the Capitol for as little as "two minutes." It has also prosecuted more than 100 people under a law enacted to prevent corporate accounting scandals. Today, the Supreme Court ruled (6-3) that these prosecutions were unlawful and wrongly gave "prosecutors broad discretion to seek a 20-year maximum sentence for acts Congress saw fit to punish with far shorter sentences."

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