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Federal Employee Dismissals

What portion of federal career employees are dismissed each year for reasons relating to poor job performance?

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A study published by the U.S. Government Accountability Office in 2015 found that 0.18% to 0.27% of federal career employees are dismissed each year for reasons relating to poor job performance. In keeping with this, a 2014 survey of federal employees found that 42% of respondents disagreed with the statement that supervisors take steps to deal with poor performance, while 28% agreed. Likewise, a 2001 survey of federal employees found that "only 30 percent believe their organization does a very or somewhat good job of disciplining poor performers." It also found that "59 percent of federal workers say securing a paycheck was more important than doing something worthwhile, 65 percent say job security was more important than helping the public, and 66 percent say job security was more important than pride in the organization they joined."

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